Empower the Future Innovators

By donating to T.A.G Non-Profit, you're investing in the future of technology. Your contribution directly empowers teenagers to explore and pursue careers in game development, movie creation, VR, coding, and esports.

Bridge the Opportunity Gap

Many teenagers lack access to resources and mentorship in technology fields. Your donation helps bridge this gap by providing underprivileged youth with the tools, guidance, and exposure they need t

Foster Creativity and Passion

Your support nurtures creativity and passion in teenagers. It allows them to discover their interests, whether it's designing games, making movies, creating virtual worlds, coding software, or competing in esports. These experiences can be life-changing.

Prepare for Future Careers

The tech industry is one of the fastest-growing sectors globally. By donating to T.A.G Non-Profit, you're helping teenagers prepare for lucrative and fulfilling careers in fields where their skills are in high demand.

Impactful Community Building

Your contribution extends beyond individuals. It helps build a community of like-minded young people who can collaborate, innovate, and support one another on their journeys into technology.

Inspire Positive Change

Your donation inspires positive change by supporting a cause that encourages teenagers to channel their energy into productive and creative outlets.

Benefits of TAG program

Overall, a technology program provides teens with a well-rounded education, preparing them for the challenges and opportunities of the digital age while nurturing their personal and professional growth.

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Donators in the last month


25 $

Bronze Supporter

Tier 1

Recognition on our website's donor page




100 $

Silver Premium

Tier 2

A personalized thank-you card or letter from our team.



200+ $

Gold Benefactor

Tier 3

A custom-made limited edition T-Shirt as a token of our appreciation for your  generous support

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