T.A.G. Tech Ambassador Group is dedicated to empowering underserved youth and young adults with the skills, resources, and opportunities to pursue fulfilling careers in the technology industry. Through hands-on workshops, mentorship programs, and community outreach, we provide accessible training in cutting-edge fields like 3D development, coding, digital media, AI, and esports. Our goal is to cultivate a new generation of diverse tech leaders, offering creative career pathways to those who have been historically left behind. By bridging the digital divide, we strive to unlock the untapped potential of communities lacking access to technology education and professional development.


T.A.G.’s core purpose is to address the significant technology skills gap and lack of diversity in the tech industry, especially impacting underserved youth and young adults. Many economically disadvantaged communities and communities of color lack access to quality STEM education and technology training programs. T.A.G. aims to change that by bringing cutting-edge tech skills development directly to these underrepresented populations.

The organization’s programs focus on high-growth, in-demand technology fields like 3D modeling, software development, digital content creation, artificial intelligence, and competitive esports. These are areas that offer well-paying, future-proof career paths, but often require specialized training that is out of reach for many marginalized groups.

Through free or low-cost workshops, mentorship initiatives, and partnerships with local schools and community centers, T.A.G. strives to give students the hands-on skills, industry connections, and confidence to pursue tech careers. The goal is to open up new avenues of economic mobility and self-sufficiency, especially for young people of color who have been systematically excluded from the tech pipeline.

Ultimately, T.A.G. believes that fostering a more diverse and inclusive technology workforce will drive innovation, strengthen local economies, and empower communities that have too long been denied access to the tools and knowledge to thrive in the digital age. It’s an ambitious mission, but one that the organization is determined to achieve through sustained, grassroots-level engagement.